Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Setup GPRS on Moto Q

Moto Q(GSM) have windows mobile operating system and qwerty keyboard, this smart phone has a lot of features, one of which I will discuss now is GPRS.

Ok follow this step :

Press Start menu / setting / connections ( and youll see dial-up, gprs, proxy, usb to pc menu ) than you must fill each menu with the operator parameter correctly.

A. dial up :

1. Description >>>( up to you)
2. Connects to >>> The internet
3. phone Number >>> 333
4. User name >>> (the operator parameter)
5.password>>> (the operator parameter)
6.Domain >>> blank

press DONE


1. Description >>> (up to you but must be different from point A)
2. connets to >>> The Internet
3. acces point >>> (the operator parameter)
4. user name >>> (the operator parameter)
5. password >>> (the operator parameter)
6.authentication type >>> none
7.Primary DNS >>>
8.Secondary DNS >>>
9. IP Address : blank

press DONE


1. Description >>> (up to you but must be different from point A and B)
2. connect from >>> the internet
3.connect to >>> WAP network
4. Proxy >>> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyy (the operator parameter x = proxy : y = port)
5. type >>> WAP
6.User name >>> blank
7. Password>>> blank

press done

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