Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hard Reset Motorola Milestone

        Motorola Android Phones like picture beside is also called "MILESTONE", if you have software problem on that device you can performing Hard Reset or soft reset by your self.
        All user data will be lose and also it will be return to factory settings. Its highly recomended to back up all important data first.

To performing a soft reset on Motrola Droid : touch Menu > Settings > Privacy > Factory data reset > Reset phone.

To performing a hard reset on Motorola Droid follow the steps below :
1. Turn the phone off (make sure the battre power is full).
2. Press and hold CAMERA + POWER buttons aproximately 12 seconds, you will see Motorola logo and a yellow exclamation point in a white triangle.
3. When you see exclamation point, press VOLUME UP then CAMERA buttons You will see Android system recovery menu.
4. Select Wipe / Factory Reset with volume down button or with "Dpad" then press power button or center "Dpad" to hard reset

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